6 time organization tips for busy Fathers

6 time organization tips for busy Fathers

6 time organization tips for busy Fathers

If there's one thing no father likes to hear from a child, no matter what his justifications are, it's: " Dad, you're never with me!"

For parents with a busy life, here are some tips on how technology can help you better organize your time and enjoy every second next to your children.


1. Organize your schedules

It may seem obvious, but having an up-to-date schedule makes all the difference in having a more organized life. And you certainly don't want to miss that parent meeting or escort your child to the doctor!

Keep an updated agenda with all the dates and times of meetings, events, birthdays, doctor's appointments, and all the appointments that are part of everyday life.

There are several free apps like Google Calendar or Calendar that help you plan your day.

If you're one of those who forgets to even check your calendar, it's simple: just enable notifications and you'll have no more excuses for delays and forgetfulness.


2. Take notes and make to-do lists

To have a more productive day that leaves free time to enjoy your children, always involves making a list of tasks to be completed. In other words, create priorities and set goals.

If in your professional activity there are regular tasks, take the opportunity to automate them, freeing yourself for others that require more attention.

An application like Agenda, besides managing your calendar, allows you to take notes on what is on the agenda, on a timeline. And the best thing is that it is available in Portuguese, but also in English, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Polish, Russian, and Chinese...

As time does not always let you to read a certain article, or you are afraid of losing an idea that has occurred to you, there are softwares such as Google Keep and Evernote that help you keep the information.


3. Use the cloud!

As much as you may still be afraid, it is increasingly clear that cloud storage (or cloud computing), besides being secure, allows you to work anywhere, on any device.
This way, you can maintain efficiency in managing your activity and share controlled information with your work team, without compromising data security.
Google Drive and OneDrive are two affordable and excellent options.


4. Don't abuse multitask and delegate tasks!

Although you may believe that doing several things at once advances your work, it has been proven that this is not so: multitasking can reduce up to 40% of productivity. That is, doing multiple tasks at the same time takes much longer to complete each task than if you were doing one at a time.
So delegate the tasks! Do not fall into the temptation of wanting to do everything, because doing so can harm the quality of your work, as well as increase the level of stress and anxiety.

There are several applications that help in this matter and one of the best known is Trello: this application is also widely used at the professional level, it allows you to add images, documents and files. More than an organizational app, it's a team management and productivity app.

If you're a lawyer, use Rolling Legal or Rolling Trademarks to manage intuitively and from any device, all your activity: control expenses, control processes, automation and delegation of tasks and much more!


5. Eliminate cell phone distractions

Who has never been distracted by a cell phone notification, referring to a social network or conversation in a group of friends?

These distractions can put a crimp in your day's planning, which is why there are now apps to block apps and avoid procrastination, focus on the work that needs to be done, and leave more free time to devote to your child!

AppBlock is one of the best options to increase your focus because with it you can avoid opening social networks, online games on Android, or any other kind of distraction. Block Apps allows you to create several different blocks, scheduling start and end times, and cancelling your access to blocked apps for a period of time.


6. Ensure the flexibility to meet

Being able to hold meetings anywhere allows you to streamline your work and make the most of your time.

With Cisco WebEx, you can schedule, organize and join any web conference, right from your tablet or smartphone. The app also allows you to share files and information with anyone connected to your business and also between your smartphone and your office computer.


But there is no point in trying to be extremely productive if it means not dedicating time to family and friends.

Taking time off for yourself and your children is essential to ensure your mental health and emotional stability, as well as that of your family.

Happy Father's Day